Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ideology of Advertising Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Ideology of Advertising - Essay Example We live in the age of conspicuous consumption. We are proud of having an opportunity to buy more and more goods and products. We do not realize why do we really need all this stuff, but we DO realize that we really want it! A greedy worm lives inside of our minds and hearts and it eats out our moral principles, while filling the gaps in our minds and hearts with the ideas of greediness. It is better to talk about these related phenomena, i.e. advertising and ideology and explain the way they are related and what this relation means to us. Ideals in Ads "Advertising, as the mouthpiece for capitalism, presents values and assumptions that color consumers" perceptions of reality (Cunnigham 2003, p. 229). It is true, as we have already mentioned, because the pace of our world's development determines the principles of our performance in the real world though we look at reality through a prism of artificially created world of ads. Cunnigham (2003) develops the following argument: "Advertisers’ common defense – if you don’t like the advertising, don’t watch it or don’t buy the products it promotes. But do we have a choice?" We can talk about a specific nature of advertising ideology. Very often not the interests of an individual, which lead to positive results, are taken into account, but a promotion of bad habits is usually adopted by the audience after consuming ads. The advertisement on TV promotes the images of slim women. Vice versa, ads promoting tobacco and alcohol are focused on the audience, which can easily consume these harmful goods. If we talk about ideology of advertising, we should pay attention to the very notion of the concept 'ideology'. This word is derived from the world 'ideal'. Still, this ideal is created by advertising campaigns of different companies. It is evident that attractive butts, appealing eyes, tempting lips and rosy cheeks with high cheekbones are ideal in the modern context for women. They want men to want them†¦ This happened in a different way many years ago. We can see that the modern society is changing and the ideals it promotes are changing too. Unfortunate ly, every individual can hardly differentiate his idealistic allusions from hard realities of the factual world. There is no fire without smoke. Therefore, women appeal for clinical surgery, they are easily driven into temptation while having a strong desire to be slimmer and become anorectic women. The global limits of the world are spreading by means of products, goods and services. We live in the world of colors and dynamism, so we have to get used to rapid changes and paths of current developments. In previous years the companies were interested in the brand's name development, improvement and support. Currently we can see different paths of development. The strategies of advertising are usually reflected in different means of printed media, TV or radio. Nowadays we are absorbed into a picturesque world of billboards, Tweet and Facebook and instant ads have totally grasped our attention! Different means of interactivity and transparency, as well as strategies of innovations impl ementation and creative performance updates are high on the agenda. This fact can be described in the following way: the main idea of the modern ad is focused at the

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